
Showing posts from June, 2021


UNDERSTANDING CASES IN GENERAL MEDICINE   P.V. Abhigna  Roll no. 97  Question 1.  1.  answer by roll no. 1 PULMONOLOGY CASE quantitative assessment : 9/10  qualitative assessment :  The elog was well presented, with information arranged neatly & concisely.   Choice of diagrams & pictures, their placement was good.  It was Overall well written and easy to comprehend. 2.  answer by roll no.26 CASE D  quantitative assessment : 7/10  qualitative assessment :  The language of the answer was easy to understand. The flow of information was from simple to complex & well thought out.  Point wise manner would have worked better than paragraph format .  Diagram / flowchart would have been helpful.  3.  answer by roll no. 35 QUESTION 2 quantitative assessment : 8 /10  qualitative assessment :  the information provided was concise, clear and to the point.  presentation was very neat.  more details could have been provided about each of the drug action.  4.  answer by roll no. 45 CASE 2B
This is a case of 46 year old female diagnosed with functional bowel disease with history of H/O  tobacco use & Attention Seeking (History taken from pt with help of translator [pt son] Admitted in summer 2021    (day 1 )  Day 2 CHIEF COMPLAINTS: Pain abdomen since 2-3 months Abdominal distension since 1 month HISTORY OF PRESENTING ILLNESS: Patient was apparently asymptomatic/normal 12 yrs back then she had history of fall due to slip while she was carrying a load of water to her home following which she developed low back ache radiating to legs subsided after taking medications. Since 2-3 months she had pain abdomen which is gradual onset, not associated with nausea/vomiting, no h/o weight loss, no loss of appetite, no easy fatiguability. Since 1 month she observed abdominal distension, which is insidious onset ,gradual and not associated with constipation, no obstipation, no decreased urine output. N/k/c/o HTN,DM,BA,TB. TREATMENT HISTORY: Not significant PERSONAL HISTORY:  • Marr