
Showing posts from August, 2021


BIMONTHLY ASSESSMENT : AUGUST 2021 P.V. Abhigna Roll no. 97 Q1.  LONG CASE REVIEW   • The presentation is neat & clear. It is formatted well. All care has been taken to deidentify patient's details.  • Localisation of the abdominal pain & related details were well described. • History taking has been thoroughly done. All the questions one might have regarding HOPI, past illness, medical/ surgical history, personal history, social & educational history, immunizations have been asked and noted well. • General Examination was detailed & well documented.  • The clinical images and investigation reports are extensive and adequate.  • Diagnostic approach and treatment was also well explained.  SHORT CASE 1 REVIEW  • History was taken well • Systemic Examination was detailed • CNS Examination was well described & documented • Overall presentation was good with adequate details and a good connectivity.  SHORT CASE 2 REVIEW • Past history, family history, treatment histo

Case of a 27 year old female with Dengue

Summer of 2021  25 year old female Labourer resident of Aitipamula, came to opd with CC of  • fever since 5 days  • headache since 6 days  • loss of appetite since 6 days HISTORY OF PRESENTING ILLNESS : • Fever : high grade,  intermittent, associated with chills & rigor - 5 days • headache  : frontal and temporal  • generalized weakness since 6 days associated with giddiness, sweating, headache and discomfort.  N/H/O -  cold, cough, SOB, chest pain, palpitations, malena, hematuria, joint pains, pain abdomen, vomiting, loose stools HISTORY OF PAST ILLNESS:  No k/c/o HTN, DM-2, TB, Epilepsy, CVA, Asthma  PERSONAL HISTORY: • Married life- 7 years • Kids - 2  - M, 5 years- NVD - Anemia  - M, 3 years- NVD - Anemia - Appetite : Lost FAMILY HISTORY:  Mother & Father - HTN, DM2 GENERAL EXAMINATION : Pt. Is C/C/C Pallor - Present Icterus - Clubbing -  Koilonychia - Lymphadenopathy - Edema  Dehydration: Mild VITALS: BP: 100/60 mmHg - supine, 60/40 mmHg - Standing PR: 60 bpm RR:  12